The Industries Which Require Spill Control The Most

Spill control

The containment and control of spills is a legal requirement for businesses across the UK and applies to those of varying types, size, and complexity. Spill control and prevention is something that business owners, managers and employees should all take seriously to help protect the local community, staff, the company and the environment.

There are many different types of businesses across numerous sectors that are at risk of oil spills occurring. Here is a look at some of the industries which are more likely to have spill issues.


The handling, storage and use of various oils, fuels and substances are common on construction sites. Because of the busy, noisy, and often hectic environment it is easy for spills to occur if the proper measures, controls and precautions are not taken to prevent or contain them. Some of the sources and activities that are potential areas or most likely to have a spill occur include;

  • Around plant machinery
  • Areas where refuelling is done
  • During maintenance
  • Vehicles driving round onsite
  • Cracked, broken or corroded containers
  • Lids or caps of containers not correctly sealed

Failure to properly prepare for spills can have devastating consequences for the land, watercourses, and animal life nearby which is why it is so important to follow regulations. Products such as spill mats, spill kits and drip trays can help to make sure you are working to actively prevent them from occurring and clean up effectively up if they do.


Businesses within the food industry must maintain very high environmental, hygiene and safety standards as part of their daily operations. Processing, production, and packaging areas can contain various different types of equipment as well as numerous oils, milks, additives, chemicals, greases and fuels. With the number of fluids being used and stored onsite it is important to ensure that steps are taken to prevent spills and take appropriate action if one does occur.


In the transport industry, efficiency is crucial to being a successful business, maintain a competitive advantage and be environmentally friendly. Oil and fuel spills can be extremely time consuming and costly which is why taking measures to stop them from happening and clean them up when they do is of key importance.

Places like distribution centres and areas where vehicles are constantly arriving and departing are more likely to have an issue with spills and should utilise the use of products such as absorbent pads, spills mats, spill kits and spill pallets.

Manufacturing And Industrial

Spills can be a common occurrence in manufacturing and industrial industries, causing disruption, time delays and thousands of pounds in clean-up. As part of legal requirements, factories and warehouses need to meet various standards when it comes to storing and using fuels, oils, and chemicals.

Spills can lead to severe legal, financial, and environmental consequences which is why businesses within the industry need to take every precaution and use every necessary tool, method and equipment they can to avoid them.


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