How Many Treatment Sessions Are Required To Remove A Tattoo?

Remove A Tattoo

If you have decided to have your tattoo removed or are considering it, you might be wondering what it entails. The main thing to consider is that tattoo removal cannot be completed in one session as the treatment needs to be applied over a number of sessions. With this in mind, take a look through this article to see how many treatments you will need in order to benefit from tattoo removal in London.

How many treatments will you need?

This is often one of the main questions that people ask when it comes to removing their tattoo. However, there is no simple answer as there are many different factors involved in the process. The operator will need to consider the size of the tattoo as well as the type. Furthermore, they will need to consider the location of it, the colour, the volume of colour as well as the age. These are all important factors but even with this information, your operator won’t be able to give you a specific number of sessions.

On the whole, the majority of tattoos can be removed in around five to ten treatment sessions. The bigger the tattoo and the more complex it is in terms of colour, the longer it will take. In contrast, the smaller the tattoo and the less complex it is, fewer treatments will be required.

Client health

The health of the client will also determine the time it takes to remove a tattoo. If clients are healthy and have healthy skin then the laser treatment is likely to work faster. For those who are older and those who smoke, the treatment might take longer.

The ink

The number of sessions required is also dependent on the ink, the amount of ink and how dark the tattoo is. Ink can also differ and that can also have an impact on the time it takes to have a tattoo removed.

The age of the tattoo

If a tattoo is old then it does become easier to remove. Older tattoos will fade as the body naturally tries to remove the ink. It is a slow natural process that can take many years, but it is the reason why an older tattoo often looks faded. So, if the tattoo is old, then some of the ink would have been removed anyway, which means that it will require fewer treatments to remove it.

How the treatment works

The operator will use a certain laser, and these are designed to help remove the ink through cells of the immune system. They are designed for tattoos of all types as well as different skin types. The treatment is highly effective at removing tattoos over a number of sessions but when you have your consultations, the operator will be unable to give you a specific number of sessions that it will take to remove your tattoo. However, if you assume it might take anything between five and ten sessions then you are going to have a rough idea of how long it will take.

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